Friday, August 28, 2009

CME project

A:Nur Asyiqin
D:Video number 4
E:Suggest the possible options you will do
1.decide not to do-i would not spend too much time into video gaming
decide to do -i would study and heed my friends advice to study as its part of my responsibility

What factors do you think would affect your decision?
2.decide not to do-i would be bored without gaming,so i would spend my time wisely
decide to do - my time table would be in order if I follow it strictly

What do you think would be the consequences of your decisions?
3.did not do-my grades would be better and i would not fail
did do -I would flung my whole test.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


What You Learnt Today
-describe the moment of a FORCE in terms of its turning effect ,daily examples
-Relationship of a moment of a force
-Formula of a force.

Thursday, April 9, 2009



Helping a friend is in deed a good deed but helping an opponent, who is competing with you is tough. You need to know if the person really neeed help and we should consider to help the person. There was an Olympic event whereby a competitor showed good views of the value, friendship. While struggling his way through from his second place position, the first placed competitor had some leg craps and pulled himself from first place. The second placed competitor gave up his silver medal to help his opponent.





Saturday, April 4, 2009

CME write up

Friendship is important in YOG as,if there is no friendship how is Singapore going to host the YOG and there would be riots.Singapore is hosting YOG for the first time and this is a better way for Singapore to interact with other countries and YOG also help Singapore olympians to bond with other olympian all over the world and learn their weaknesses and strenghts it also uses "friendship" to work together to build up and make an olympic event.So,the YOG value of friendship not only be ued for games but also in our daily life to bond and make new friends.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Friday, March 13, 2009

CME project


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

science_sexuality education

what i enjoyed most in this chapter??
-i enjoy the way my classmates present their presentation..i find it easy to understand in that way

what i think i did well in this chapter??
-since im happy with my friends performance,i did pay slightly more than i normally did...

what i find difficult or confusing??
-so far,none..

what i can do to improve??
-i just need to do some notes on my own and revise it back..


what i enjoyed most in this chapter??
-i enjoy this lesson especially when teachers gave notes and practises,homeworks to helps me to learn more as if we practise more we'll understand it is about

what i think i did well in this chapter??
-i can see there is improvement through the pop quizzes that was given to me by my teacher

what i found difficult or confusing??
-so far i think,i have overcome my difficulties except for some...the one on applying the formulas..

what i can do to improve??
-i would like to ask my teacher for help but not at the moment as i have been busy lately...

Friday, February 20, 2009

PC lesson

3 things i learn:-i learn to appreciate that everyone is different
-i learn that we need to be responsible for ourselves
-i learn to have a sense of alertness in myself
2 things i can apply:-i learn to appreciate one another
-i learn to be responsible about myself
1 thing i know about my friend:-i remember their birthdates...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

-what have you learnt in the practical lessons?
ans:i have learnt more new things which i dont last year.(i forget already)
-what difficulties you faced while doing the experiments?
ans:So far,i didn't face any difficulties as my partner also help me.
-what do you want to learn more about this chapter?
ans:i just want MORE practicals..(:

Chapter 2.1

-what have you learn in chapter 2.1?
ans:i have learn how to expand on algebra topic..
-what are the difficulties you face?
ans:The problems i face when expansion is that when the negative n positive you have to multiply them..i always get them mix up..
-what you want to learn more in chapter 2.1?
ans:i want to learn on how not to get mix up when multiplying the negative n positive..

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

problems i face with my maths project

i don"t really face that much problem...Its only that we did not communicate well...And that is the reason why we might not did a proper work...That's all...Thank You..